
What Are a Truck’s Blind Spots?

Overhead shot of an overpass and two highway lanes underneath with 3 trucks traveling on each roadway.

If you have been in an accident involving a truck, it is essential to understand the dangers of these large vehicles. Many people know that trucks have blind spots, but do they know where they are? This blog will cover where blind spots on a truck are, areas to never be when driving near a truck, and best practices when driving in and around trucks.

Blind Spots on a Truck

Trucks have four main blind spots, referred to as “no-zones.” These no-zones include the front of the truck, the back of the truck, and both sides of the truck. Understanding these blind spots is critical for drivers who want to stay safe around large trucks.

The Front No-Zone

The front no-zone is located directly in front of the truck's bumper and extends up to 20 feet in length. It can be difficult for drivers to see other cars in this area because of how high their hood is when compared to other vehicles on the road.

The Back No-Zone

The back no-zone stretches from directly behind the trailer up to 200 feet. This zone is hazardous because trucks often make sudden stops or slow down unexpectedly due to traffic patterns or road conditions. As such, drivers must stay aware and maintain at least 200 feet between themselves and any large trucks they encounter while on the road.

Side No-Zones

The side no-zones extend 10 feet from each side of the trailer. These can be particularly hazardous if a car attempts to pass them too closely or merge into their lane abruptly. Additionally, drivers must remember that these zones are much larger than those found in smaller vehicles, so they should always give large trucks plenty of space when passing or merging with them on the highway.

Best Practices When Driving Around Trucks

To avoid any potential accidents involving large trucks, here are some tips for best practices when driving around them:

  • Maintain at least one car length between yourself and any commercial vehicles you encounter; this will give you enough time to react if necessary.
  • Avoid passing or merging too closely with commercial vehicles; this can cause you to get into their blind spot.
  • Be aware that most commercial vehicles require additional braking distance; leave extra space between yourself and one if possible.

While it's crucial for all drivers—whether they're driving passenger cars or big rigs—to practice safe driving habits at all times, understanding what areas compose trucks’ “no-zones“ can help reduce risks associated with sharing roads with these massive machines. By avoiding these areas whenever possible, knowing what best practices should be followed while operating motor vehicles near large trucks, and staying aware while sharing roads with others, everyone can help ensure everyone gets home safely every day!

Baton Rouge Truck Accident Attorneys

Here at Chris Corzo Injury Attorneys, our attorneys are dedicated to ensuring the roadways are safer for all motorists by holding negligent parties responsible for the injuries they cause. If you seek legal representation following a truck accident that injured you, call Corzo at (225) 230-3110 or fill out our secure online contact form to schedule a free consultation.